Top 20 React Native Component Libraries to Make Your Journey Easier in 2025

React Native app development is fun, right? You can use it for developing mobile apps for multiple platforms without much fuss about UI/UX.

Well, it is one of the main reasons for its popularity. Moreover, the framework is becoming popular day by day.

React Native's Popularity Over Time

Rising popularity means growing community of developers who're ready to support and build repositories and libraries for others to use.

Just as ready-made frameworks help with website development by saving time, React Native component libraries can save you a lot of trouble and time during cross platform app development.

How Can Readymade React Native Libraries Help?

Well, as you might already know, libraries can help in kickstarting a project quickly, save time and launch a project soon.

They serve as a push you require to take care of the fundamentals aspects while you focus on the larger picture. Here are some ways React Native libraries can help you in your next project:

  • Quick to install
  • Assists in Launching required features without much time investment
  • Refined code structure for improvement & scaling
  • Ease in starting the development phase
  • Clear documentation for handholding & assistance

If you're really thinking of scaling up your development journey, you need to start using component libraries.

SEE ALSO : Apps Built with React Native

In this blog, we're enlisting a few useful React Native component & react native UI libraries that you should definitely use in your next project.

Common Utility Component Libraries

1. React Native Elements

With 18.3k stars on Github, React Native elements can be said to be the most popular React Native UI libraries around. The library has a structured code based on native JavaScript that allows you to evaluate the structure from the beginning.

It brings all important UI components at one place and can be extensively customized according to the requirement. Elaborate documentation and several components like Avatar, badge, oberlay, rating, text, etc., it can be said to be one of the most comprehensive libraries you must use.

Explore the Library :

2. NativeBase

NativeBase is one of the top React Native component libraries with more than 13.6k GitHub stars. Developed in line with Material Design principles, it gives you everything you need in the form of thematic components.

Though there is a lot to improve here, but it is something interactive to build upon. You can use from three preset themes to get started quickly and customize as much as you want to get desired outcome. From thumbnails to search bars, icons to layout, forms to typography, it has everything you might need to make your UI interesting.

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3. React Native Paper

React Native Paper is another material design-focused library with more than 5k stars on GitHub. It supports Web, iOS & Android platform so it can be used to create cross-platform apps efficiently.

With descriptive documentation and advanced components, it can be used to implement material design principles quickly.

A completely open source library with large community support, React Native Paper has everything you could ever need for React Native app development in terms of material design UI.

Explore the Library :

4. React Native Gifted Chat

If you're planning to include chat support in your app, then this is the library you need. Said to be a complete chat UI for web and React Native app development , the library allows you to build and launch chat platform. As a developer, you're just required to build the framework and everything else will be rendered by this library.

The library components are fully customizable and can be used for all types of composer actions, loading messages, copy messages, avatar for profiles, text inputs and bot functionality, etc.

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5. React Native Calendars

Calendar-based features are an essential component for a variety of iOS & Android apps nowadays. From productivity apps to ‘to-do' lists, event apps to planners, developers need to integrate calendars into the app for a lot of reasons.

This library offers several customizable react native calendar components that simplifies this aspect. You can use the library to embed a lot of features in calendar within an app.

Date marking, data loading indicator, calendar lists, agenda planners can easily be integrated using the app along with a lot more.

Explore the Library :

6. React Native Material Textfield

This library can help you comply with material design guidelines and offer consistent look and feel on Android & iOS when it comes to text fields. With a lot of customizable UI features already developed such as animated state transitions, font customizations, multiline text inputs, prefix/suffix support, you will never have to worry about inconsistencies in text fields within your app. The library is purely developed using JavaScript.

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7. React Native Masked Text

Does your app need you to mask texts– be it normal text or in fields that require inputs, say credit cards or critical private information. Well, this library would save you a lot of time as it helps you mask and format text as required.

Be it cell phone numbers with standard format, or credit card information that need to you hide part numbers using asterisk (*****) or other characters, the React Native Masked Text Component Library works wonders. This library also allows you to create custom masks as and when required based on your concept.

Explore the Library :

8. React Native Video

React Native Video can help with video elements. It can help you load videos remotely or using React Native's internal asset management system. A community supported library, this can help you improve the visual appeal of your application.

Though a bit basic, the API is really flexible and allows developers to work on layouts, controls and overlays by customizing according to specific needs.

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9. React Native Fast Image

This library helps you handle image caching requests and help you to have an in-built caching behavior just like in a browser. Particularly, it helps with issues such as low performance and loading from cache, flickering and missed images in cache.

The component equips an app with the capability to quickly cache images, add authorization headers, preload images and even supports GIFs.

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10. React Native SVG

We don't need to tell you the benefits of using scalable vector graphics over raster images to use in a modern app. This library offers SVG support for react native app development for iOS & Android along with a compatibility for the web.

Using this library, you can use SVGs within your app with full interactive and react native animation library support. As React Native does not support SVG directly and plugins can slow down performance, this library can do wonders to UI graphics and performance.

Explore the Library :

11. React Native BLE Manager

If you're aiming for Bluetooth connectivity within your app, this is the library you must have on your radar. A migration of the same library for Apache Cordova, this library enables you to communicate between the phone and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral devices.

You can use the library to embed features like scanning and connecting for BLE peripherals. At the same time, it helps in reading/writing or getting notified of changes to a characteristic value.

The library also lets the app support simultaneous multiple connections to several peripherals at the same time.

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Libraries for Local Storage

12. React Native Async Storage

Now that we come to local storage react native component libraries, this one had to be on the top of the list.

Async Storage allows you to create an asynchronous, persistent, non-encrypted key-value storage system within the app. The system can be used instead of local storage for data persistence between multiple app loads.

This means that users will experience same data on a single device when app is not using cloud service/storage like Firebase explicitly. It helps to give users a consistent experience on the same device between multiple app loads.

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13. React Native Sqlite Storage

The SQLite library supports iOS & Android apps and can be used for SQL transactions. With an in-built SQLite database import option, this helps to perform complex database operations within the app without starting from scratch.

Based on an earlier plugin for Cordova, the library support iOS & Android using a JavaScript API. Having been tested with several versions of React, React Native SQLite library is reliable if you're in need of quick storage and database management solution for your React Native app development project.

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Library for Network Status

14. React Native NetInfo

This library is to check the quality and type of connection on a device i.e. to check if an Android, iOS, or Windows device is connected to internet or not.

The library helps your app understand if any device is online and the type of the connection – cellular, WiFi, or ethernet. If you're building an app that requires seamless connectivity, then this library can solve your network connectivity woes.

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Libraries for Google Services

15. React Native Maps

The library helps integrate Mapview component in your cross platform mobile app developed using React Native. If you want to include Google Maps anywhere within your app, maybe for delivery/pickup or for location information, this library can do wonders.

An easy to use and completely customizable library, this can save you several hours in improving interface and seamlessly integrating with location information through Google Maps.

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Find Out the Cost to Develop a Location-based Uber-like Handyman Service App

16. React Native Firebase

You must have used Firebase at some point in your React Native app development journey. For the uninitiated, it is a comprehensive platform with several tools and services to build, scale and monetize applications.

This library helps leverage the entire Firebase app development platform for your app development project. You can use all the FireBase services and tools for your app by integrating them using this official library by Firebase.

Explore the Library :

17. React Native Admob

The library helps integrate Google AdMob banners, DFP banners, interstitials and other modules for monetizing the mobile app.

Using this library, you can directly integrate Google AdMob and start showing advertisements to your app users.

If you have a Google AdMob account, you can start monetizing right away as it supports three types of ads- full screen interstitial ads, full screen rewarded ads and component-based banner ads.

Simple integration and implementation with lots of scope for scalability is what makes this library popular.

Explore the Library :

18. React Native Push Notification

Push notifications can grow your app engagement rates and make users hooked to your mobile app. If you've been planning to include push notifications, then this library can help.

Use the library for local and remote push notifications on Android & iOS device and see your engagement and conversion rates spike.

When planning of adding value to the app, push notifications can do the trick. This library gives everything to create customizable push notifications for your mobile app development project.

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Library for In-App Purchase

19. React Native IAP

A dedicated library for embedding in-app purchase features, this one streamlines experience between both Android & iOS for the end users. You can offer similar purchase experience within the app which means on iOS your app would have more in-app functions just like on Android.

If your app concept has a lot of in-app purchase workflows, then you should use this library for best-in-class end user experience and maximum engagement.

Explore the Library :

20. React Native FS

If your app functionality requires to read or write file on local device, then this library can help you embed the feature, quickly.

The library allows you to host a full-service native file system that can allow users to create files, delete files, upload files and make changes to local file system.

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Wrapping Up

Well, we hope that you got a lot of insights and an idea to begin your next project now. With the above libraries at your hand, the possibilities are limitless.

Still, if you're facing any issue with your React Native app development projects, our experts are always happy to help.

Get in touch with our React Native developers and explore how you can create the perfect mobile app for Android & iOS platform now.

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